Sunday, March 21, 2010


Perfectionism. It's the name of one of the little devils that helped me get to where I am now. Ironic, isn't it? Perfectionism, the force that drives me to be “perfect” has taken me to a place that is quite imperfect.

I consider myself to be quite a logical person when it comes to most things, but my eating one area that I am madly illogical.

I am an “all or nothing” person with my diet. If I can't do it right, then why try? So in the past, I either go to the gym AND eat perfectly, or I stuff my face with everything that I can find and sit on the couch. There just seems to be no middle ground. In my flawed way of thinking, if I eat a Snickers bar, I've screwed up the entire day. So I may as well finish off the day with 2 cheeseburgers, a bag of Funyuns, 2 bowls of Ben and Jerry's ice cream with extra fudge topping, and maybe even the rest of my son's bag of gummy bears (even though I know I'll hear about that from him tomorrow). By doing that, I turned a 300 calorie treat into a 3000 calorie disaster. When I step on the scale later that week and see that I gained a pound, what can I blame? Did that Snickers bar make me gain a pound? NO! It was my negative catastrophic attitude. My perfectionism helped me to fail.

I need to learn to let it go. Just move forward. And it's a great time to practice since I'm going into a new week. As far as dieting goes, I always count my weeks as starting on Monday.

I have grand plans for working out this week. Lofty goals. Perhaps I am going into my perfectionism phase and planning too big, but I'm hoping that if I hit it hard and see some results, I will be more motivated to keep going. Plus I just watched the Biggest Loser, and I feel inspired to push myself further than I usually think I can.

Here's my tentative workout plan for the week:


Spin class (1 hour) followed by yoga (1 hour). Yoga is optional and only if I feel good after spin, and if the kids are able to all go to preschool for long enough for me to do it!


Zumba! (1 hour) Wow, soooo fun! I went to my first class on Saturday, I totally forgot to blog about it! But it was so fun that I actually went and found videos on youtube just so I could relive the fun-ness... Time passed so fast during that class that I didn't even realize I was exercising, and sweat was pouring down my face!


Spin (1 hour) and yoga (1 hour)


Zumba (1 hour)


Spin (1 hour) and yoga (1 hour)


Zumba (1 hour)


Break day, go for a walk and take some Motrin.

Wish me luck. I'll be back to update on my progress throughout the week. My BodyBugg should be here this week sometime too! I'm so excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Busy schedule, but you can do it! If you miss a class or don't think you can handle it one day... Just give yourself one rest day and get back to it then next. Or just do one class or the other. Just so you are doing SOMETHING!!!
