Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm still here!

I promise I will update my progress better today or tomorrow. So far I really like my bodybugg. I'm still figuring out the program and I have to do some troubleshooting because every 1 time out of 3, I have to reinstall the driver to sync my bodybugg with my computer. Martin doesn't have that problem with his, but he's got a regular PC not a Mac. I have rarely had problems with this, but I guess this is one! There are Mac specific help items on the bodybugg website, so I 'll get it figured out!

I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm at 211. I FEEL lighter. Perhaps because I haven't eaten breakfast yet? LOL... OK, gotta get the kids ready for the day and then run errands. I need to get to the gym as planned, but we are junking the white car today, so I HAVE to be there to sign some paperwork. Hopefully that won't take long...

1 comment:

  1. You haven't lost weight because it's all muscule that you are building up right now! Muscle weighs more that fat, right? ;)

    Is the white car the ford tarus???? Man that car is a fossel!
