Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feelin' good!

I've had a good couple of days with my eating. I did eat 1 1/2 chocolate croissants yesterday, but still had a 1000 cal deficit at the end of the day thanks to Zumba! That class rocks and I was surprised to learn that I burned nearly 800 cal during the class. I don't really feel like I'm "working out", it's so fun! There were 120 people in class last night. It was like a big party!

I feel like I've figured out a few good things about my eating, which is helping me to stay in my calorie range. I just don't NEED a big breakfast. I usually have my dry Fiber One cereal mixed with Craisins and a yogurt. That tides me over easily until lunch, even when I work out. When I work out, I do usually have a protein shake or smoothie afterwards. I had been trying to eat a bigger breakfast in order to avoid the mid-afternoon munchies I always seem to get, but it doesn't seem to matter! So, I'll stick with the smaller breakfast and snack smarter!

This morning, I did not go to spin and yoga. Instead, I spent an hour on the elliptical and then walked a few laps on the track as a cool down. That was a great workout and my legs are like jello right now, they are so tired!

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