Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ooooh, boy. The truth hurts.

I came back on vacation three days ago and stepped on the scale. The bright red digital numbers screamed 215 at me. 215.

How did this happen? The only two times I've seen such a number when I was standing on the scale were the two times I was in late-pregnancy stages... Unbelievable. And I did it all on my own this time!

My sweet little sissy has been blogging her weight loss journey, so I figured I'd join her. Misery loves company. Just kidding, that's not why I'm doing this! I'm hoping the accountability will help me face the truth about where my body is right now, and help me visualize where I want to be in 3 months, in 6 months, in a year.

I'm 31 years old now. I don't want to live in this heavy body for the rest of my life, having joint problems and high blood pressure. I want my clothes to feel good on my body. I want to have more energy so I can play with my boys. I want to live with no regrets, and being overweight for a length of time will hold me back in countless ways. I want to feel younger at 32 than I did when I turned 30!!!

Lofty goals? Perhaps. Attainable? Definitely!

I'm going to choose a word to focus on periodically, and my first word is going to be:

More to come on that.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... I love it! :) Good work Joy! I can't wait to see your progress! You can DO IT!
