Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I have this persistent tickle in my throat that I have concluded must be due to the "ash cloud" from Iceland. It has kept me tired and fatigued. That, and the fact that I have had a steady trickle of children and other visitors flowing in and out of my house for the past two weeks. Some leave and the next ones come in. My house is sooo trashed. Laundry is overflowing. Same complaints as always but magnified because of how I feel physically and also because there really IS more dirt and laundry to do with all the extra people! haha. And less time to do it because I'm "entertaining". Despite my whining right now, I really have had a lot of fun the last two weeks!

I decided yesterday that even if I can't make it to the gym because of my schedule and feeling fatigued, I can still watch my eating better. Yesterday was good! Yesterday I weighed in at 208.5. I felt really fat all day, but I tried to be careful about what I ate and I logged everything. This morning I felt thinner and I weighed myself. 207!!! There we go! Now the scale is tipping the right direction. I know it's silly, but I really need to see some sort of result in order to stay motivated!!!

Anyway, there's a little update on me. Now I need to check on my 3 kids + 1 extra to make sure they are not reconstructing the living room...

1 comment:

  1. My house is a complete disaster! That's how I feel most days too.... Who's staying with you this week?
